FENDI Biodiversity Project 2024

  • Publish date: Sunday، 26 May 2024
FENDI Biodiversity Project 2024

To honour the International Day for Biological Diversity, FENDI is proud to announce its collaboration with AzzeroCO2 and the social cooperative La Nuova Arca for an inspiring urban biodiversity project to revitalize the pine forest in Falcognana, just outside Rome.

AzzeroCO2 is a sustainability consultancy society founded by Legambiente and Kyoto Club in 2004, supporting companies in the development of targeted projects aimed at reducing their environmental footprint. Together with AzzeroCO2, FENDI identified the endangered pine forest that surrounds the foster home run by La Nuova Arca, dedicated to assisting women and children in need as well as guiding migrants and refugees on their path towards integration.

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Located in Falcognana, the centuries-old pinewood was threatened by the presence of an infective parasite. The initiative focused on healing the sick pines while restoring flora diversity, planting 14 holm oak trees alongside a mix of 180 other plantspecies native to the region. This carefully curated selection of vegetation aims to re-establish and enhance local biodiversity while creating a botanical garden that contributes to community welfare.

La Nuova Arca's involvement brings an added social value. These outdoor spaces are in fact designed as ecological and educational tools for residents at the cooperative’sfamily home, who will look after the new flora as part of the highly didactic activities fostered in the community.

FENDI is proud to partner with La Nuova Arca and AzzeroCO2 for two years on this meaningful endeavour, taking a significant step towards environmental conservation and community engagement. As part of this dynamic urban biodiversity initiative, FENDI will involve employees through volunteer activities as the one happening on International Earth Day (April 22).

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This reforestation effort contributes to LVMH’s broader pledge to support the preservation or restoration of 5 million hectares (50,000 sq. km) of habitat by 2030, a testament to FENDI's commitment to projects with a strong environmental and social value in Italy.