Creativity and Innovation Lead the Team at "Khat Gallery"

  • Publish date: Wednesday، 21 June 2023
Creativity and Innovation Lead the Team at "Khat Gallery"

It all started with an idea and a simple product: mubkhar. It was hard to find a functional mubkhar with a beautiful design.

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They knew it was the right product to start with. High quality is very crucial to Dr. Ahmad AlOumi, Abdullah AlHamad, Abdulrahman Burhama and Ahmad AlShuaib, who are the managing partners at "Khat Gallery". The word itself, Khat, is important to the brand because it represents the essence.

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Khat Gallery is the leading Kuwaiti company in the field of gifts and luxuries, with an excellent reputation in the local and Gulf market. It owns a wide range of luxurious and innovative products and home accessories that meet Kuwaiti and the GCC’s tastes.

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Some of the products are born out of collaborations with artists and most of the products are essentially traditional, but with a modern twist.

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